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Overwatch 2: Invasion

Overwatch PVE good or bad?

Overwatch 2

Price: 12.99 GBP / 15 USD

By: Alex

Overwatch 2 invasion is a decent addition to the battle pass, but as a standalone PVE has a lot left to be desired.


When it comes to what I think Overwatch did well, there is a decent amount to talk about. The story itself and they way they have set out both the menu for the campaign, and the cutscenes themselves is impressive and makes me want to play the PVE more than just once. The story has a classic hero saving people role which makes it easy to get into the game and feel as if you are doing something significant in the world of overwatch.

The 3 missions are decent in length, being around 25 mins on average when watching all the cutscenes through fully. When overall rating this game I am more going to see it as the missions costing around 5 GBP or 5 Dollars, as the battle pass that comes with it is normally valued around 8gbp/10usd. I think the money spent on these missions is worth it and the foundations they have made that they can build on are quite large, but there are things that I would like to see in the future.


Sadly there are quite a few negatives that come to mind when talking about the overwatch 2 PVE. Firstly I am going to mention the fact that the only way to play the PVE is to purchase the pack that comes with the 3 missions that are currently available and 1000 credits (which you would presumably use to buy the battle pass) while for me this is not a blaring issue, the fact that anyone that is not interested necessarily in the PVP is forced to spend the extra unnecessary money on something that might not ever be completed. Furthermore it is quite clear that Blizzard do not intend currently for the game to be targeted towards only PVE players because of this marketing choice.

Furthermore, I believe that when it comes to keeping the playing intact with the story, having to wait so long in-between missions can feel a bit rocky when trying to stay inspired by a story. While the 3 missions that they have released is good, I would expect it to be 3 a season instead of the more likely 3 every 6 months or more. With the campaign that is paid there are also events that are effectively limited missions with no direct story cut in. While this is good to give some new PVE content every once and a while, the actually content of the missions themselves feels empty and sometimes pointless as there is no timescale with them.

My final review

Overall I think that if you enjoy playing overwatch pvp and think that an hour and a half of extra non stressful gameplay is what you want then I recommend it. I personally believe it was worth the money I spent on it, but I do play the game a lot. The missions are interesting and fun, but if you are not interested in the pvp I would give it a swing for now.

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